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Die Software `LateinTrainer` ist die ideale Unterstützung beim Erlernen oder Übersetzen von lateinischen Vokabeln, Formen oder Texten
 » Home » Education » Language » LateinTrainer 2.1
License: Shareware
Version: 2.1
System: Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: E15
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 895
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 23, 2005
Click here to Download
Die Software `LateinTrainer` ist die ideale Unterstützung beim Erlernen oder Übersetzen von lateinischen Vokabeln, Formen oder Texten.


Mit Hilfe der integrierten Funktionen zur Formenbildung können lateinische Formen automatisch gebildet bzw. analysiert werden. Stößt man beim Übersetzen eines Textes auf ein unbekanntes Wort, so kann dieses im Programm eingegeben und innerhalb weniger Sekunden analysiert werden. Dabei wird nicht nur die exakte Bestimmung der Wortform und der zugehörige Infinitiv angezeigt, sondern auch die entsprechende deutsche Übersetzung. Auch beim gezielten Bilden von lateinischen Formen ist das Programm behilflich: Einfach eine Vokabel aus dem integrierten Wörterbuch auswählen und die gewünschte Form einstellen. Wer die Regeln der Formenbildung erlernen möchte, kann dies mit beliebigen Vokabeln und Formen auf unterschiedliche Weise durch die bereitgestellten Abfragefunktionen tun.


Natürlich beherrscht der `LateinTrainer` nicht nur den Umgang mit lateinischen Formen: Beliebige Vokabeln können mit dem Programm gelernt werden, wahlweise mit oder ohne Stammformen. Die Vokabeln können dabei aus dem über 5000 Einträge umfassenden Wörterbuch ausgewählt werden, so dass eine umständliche Eingabe der Wörter und Stammformen entfällt. Häufig falsch beantwortete Vokabeln werden automatisch in einer `Problemvokabeldatei` gespeichert und sind jederzeit verfügbar. Vielfältige Einstellungen zur Vokabelabfrage runden das Lernen ab.

Weitere Funktionen:

Neben den bereits genannten Eigenschaften sind weitere hilfreiche Features vorhanden: Die automatische Umwandlung von arabischen und römischen Zahlen in lateinische Wörter, die automatische Speicherung der letzten 15 Lernergebnisse, Drucken von Vokabeldateien, ...


So far, nothing for that!


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LingvoSoft FlashCards English German for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and German words can be studied using this handy application right on your des ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1710KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 725
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43259_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Indonesian for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Indonesian words can be studied using this handy application right on ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1729KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 843
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43260_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Hungarian for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Hungarian words can be studied using this handy application right on yo ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1725KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 714
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43261_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Latvian for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Latvian words can be studied using this handy application right on your d ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1717KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 730
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43262_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Lithuanian for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Lithuanian words can be studied using this handy application right on ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1707KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 686
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43263_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Italian for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Italian words can be studied using this handy application right on your d ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1699KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 711
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43264_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Portuguese for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Portuguese words can be studied using this handy application right on ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1703KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 712
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43265_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Romanian for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Romanian words can be studied using this handy application right on your ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1703KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 647
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43266_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Serbian for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Serbian words can be studied using this handy application right on your d ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1718KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 716
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43267_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Slovak for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Slovak words can be studied using this handy application right on your des ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1705KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 626
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43268_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Swedish for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Swedish words can be studied using this handy application right on your d ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1705KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 655
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43269_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Spanish for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Spanish words can be studied using this handy application right on your d ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1699KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 657
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43270_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Turkish for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Turkish words can be studied using this handy application right on your d ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1709KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 707
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43271_index.html
LingvoSoft FlashCards English Ukrainian for Windows is a collection of four absorbing games that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. Both English and Ukrainian words can be studied using this handy application right on yo ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 1721KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 751
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43074_index.html
This LingvoSoft Talking English Spanish Dictionary, built to operate on mobile devices running the Pocket PC platform, incorporates advanced speech technology that will make your mobile device speak English! The synthesizer is based on a new approach to s ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 3599KB | Win | $49.95 | Downloads: 629
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43073_index.html
This LingvoSoft Talking English Russian Dictionary, built to operate on mobile devices running the Pocket PC platform, incorporates advanced speech technology that will make your mobile device speak English! The synthesizer is based on a new approach to s ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 4996KB | Win | $49.95 | Downloads: 665
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43072_index.html
This LingvoSoft Dictionary English Spanish for Pocket PC with 400.000 words, built to operate on mobile devices running the Pocket PC platform, is a full-featured dictionary that is always ready to go when you are. It delivers instant word translation and ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 3091KB | Win | $34.95 | Downloads: 761
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43071_index.html
This LingvoSoft Dictionary English Russian for Pocket PC with 400.000 words, built to operate on mobile devices running the Pocket PC platform, is a full-featured dictionary that is always ready to go when you are. It delivers instant word translation and ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 4498KB | Win | $34.95 | Downloads: 651
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43063_index.html
This LingvoSoft Talking English Korean Dictionary, built to operate on mobile devices running the Pocket PC platform, incorporates advanced speech technology that will make your mobile device speak English! The synthesizer is based on a new approach to sp ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 4202KB | Win | $49.95 | Downloads: 824
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » /Education/Language/Review_43062_index.html
This LingvoSoft Dictionary English Korean for Pocket PC with 400.000 words, built to operate on mobile devices running the Pocket PC platform, is a full-featured dictionary that is always ready to go when you are. It delivers instant word translation and ...
ECTACO, Inc. | 3702KB | Win | $34.95 | Downloads: 733
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
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